Another storm has been predicted by the Meteorological Department on 22nd and 23rd i.e. two days later with the activation of another Western Disturbance. As per the forecast, this whole month will be disastrous for the farmers.
On 21st-22nd there is still possibility of rain in some areas. It can be held again on March 26, 27, 28 in the state. The Meteorological Department once again predicted unseasonal rain in the state
According to which, after unseasonal rains in 29 talukas of the state, unseasonal rains were predicted in the state for the next 3 days. In many parts of the state, unseasonal rains lashed in some areas where there was a change in the weather.
It may be mentioned here that earlier, due to the effect of cyclonic circulation created over Rajasthan and Kutch, unseasonal rain was predicted in Gujarat till the 21st by the Meteorological Department.
If talking about Sambarkantha, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Anand, Vadodara, Bharuch, Narmada, Dahod, Mahisagar, Surat, Dang, Tapi, Navsari, Valsad, Daman, Dadranagar Haveli, Amreli, Somnath, Bhavnagar, Surendranagar, Rajkot, Kutch and Botad can receive unseasonal rain. Due to unseasonal rain, the farmer has become worried.
Due to widespread rains, the standing crops of the farmers have been damaged to a great extent. Then another prediction has increased the farmers’ trouble.

मेरे ब्लॉग में आपका स्वागत है, जहाँ आप नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरियों, सरकारी योजनाओं और लाभकारी सूचनाओं के बारे में विश्वसनीय और अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। मेरा उद्देश्य भारतीय नागरिकों को रोजगार और विकास के अवसरों के बारे में अधिक जागरूक बनाना और इसके लिए प्रक्रियाओं को सुविधाजनक बनाना है।
मेरा मानना है कि जानकारी शक्ति है, और इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से मैंने जानकारी को सरलता से, स्पष्ट रूप से और स्पष्टीकरण के साथ व्यक्त करना अपना लक्ष्य बना लिया है। यह आपके सपनों को साकार करने की दिशा में आपका पहला कदम होगा!