Obesity is a big challenge with health

Obesity is a big challenge with health


  • Obesity is a serious disease nowadays, which  are gives a person a lot of the  mental as well as a physical in a  problems. It is also known as a obesity, obesity etc.


Obesity is a sign of the  obesity, a disease  in that affects anyone, rich or a poor, if they are overweight or a overweight. This  are question is a becoming challenging not only in the country but also abroad. Obesity can sometimes be a dangerous to a person, leading to the  many physical ailments, and sometimes even death.


How to determine obesity::

According to the medical terminology,  in the weight of the body is a calculated by the doctor by a checking the body mass index (B M I) of the patient. The average person has a B M I of the  15 to 6.5 kg, while a person with a obesity has a B M I of the  30 to 4.5, 6-7.5 or more.


Obesity, a health hazard::

Obesity can sometimes be a dangerous for a person, leading to the some physical ailments, and sometimes even  in a death. Obesity can also a lead to the some diseases, such as a type-two diabetes, blood pressure, sleep neap, fat in the liver, infertility, cancer, joint-waist-knee pain, swelling of the legs and  the varicose veins, heartburn as well as depression.

Excellent treatment for obesity::

There are new treatments to the  reduce  in a obesity, such as a diet control, exercise without guidance, etc., but they do not realize that all these actions are harmful to their body. The best treatment for a obesity, if any, is a Bactria  in a surgery, through which was a person loses weight and maintains it for a long time.

Understanding Bariatric (Weightloss) Surgery::

The biggest advantage of  the Bactria surgery is that it is an a accurate and largely permanent cure for a weight and loss. With a weight loss after surgery comes a relief from diseases like a BP, cholesterol, respiratory problems and diabetes. Back or a joint pain also disappears and the person becomes are refreshed. This surgery is not cosmetic surgery, but is a performed by a laparoscopy by the modifying the stomach and intestines. Which changes body weight after the change. Many people believe that being a overweight can be diagnosed by a nutritious diet and exercise, but this belief is a wrong, because according to  the international standards, when the B M I is more than 7 or a  B M I is more than 9 and BP, cholesterol, Bariatric surgery is a blessing in disguise if you have respiratory problems or problems like diabetes. The National Institutes of the  Health Consensus Conference concluded in  that surgery is the only effective treatment for a weight loss and longevity.

After in this surgery, you only have to stay in the hospital for a 3 to 4 days. In a 6 to 7 days after the operation, the person can do his daily in a  work. Care must be a taken in the diet until gastric training is a completed after  in the operation. After this operation, the weight is reduced from 5% to 20% and the diabetes, blood pressure, joint pain, cholesterol and infertility are also improved.



The biggest advantage of the  Bactria surgery is that it is an a accurate and largely permanent cure for a weight  in a loss. Weight in a loss will be a followed by a BP, cholesterol, respiratory problems and diabetes. Back or a joint pain also disappears and the person becomes energetic

Lose weight without dieting all information

  • Do you know  in the healthiest thanks to the slim down?

Reading in a  countless magazine in a articles, happening crash diets, or a filling your body with a “magic” diet pills is not the solution , although many of us a address those solutions. the simplest answer is a additionally in  the simplest – Ask a nutritionist the way to the  reduce during a healthy way!

His advice will bee a presumably sound like  this: “Quick diets are dangerous and unhealthy, so you want to the control what you eat and the way much you  are consume! Cut out  in the sweets and hamburgers. Monitor yourself and eat a healthy food the maximum amount as a possible. Also, you would like to  the record all of your meals during a journal and count in  the calories!”

  • At now , you would possibly be a thinking…Use a journal as a calorie  in a counter? How boring!
  • As many people will bee a admit, after two or a three days, you will simply stop using the journal and return to your bad, overeating in a habits…
  • In our modern, high-tech in a  world, there has got to be  a another  in a solution, right? Of Course!

The app “Lose Weight Without

The app “Lose Weight Without a  Dieting” is an a easy-to-use calorie counter that  are gives you with a fun and cozy thanks to  the lose weight! you merely record all of your meals with in the app, (which is way more convenient than carrying a journal every where you go!) and it will tell you whether or a not the meal was healthy. it will also a calculate in  the calories, proteins, fats, and carbs. If you forget to  the record any meals, the app will bee remind you!

Further more, what is a proportion of your day did you spend running, walking, jumping, or a swimming? Record all of your various sorts of  the physical training within the app and it  will recalculate your dietary intake and confirm that your body’s caloric intake accounts for your exercise.

Even if you are doing not a skills to the  eat healthy, nor which exercises are required to urge in a shape, our app will bee suggest customized nutrition and training plans which will be assist you reduce during a healthy and sustainable in a  way. All you would like to try to  is to cook the foods we are propose and do the recommended exercises to  the realize all of your goals!

“Lose Weight Without Dieting” is a quite just a calorie counter; this is a  revolutionary new app also will bee  offer you countless hints and insider tricks on the way to the  reduce during a healthy in a  way!

“Lose Weight Without a Dieting” offers in these unique, helpful in  a  features:

  • Daily charts to trace proteins, fats, carbs
  • Timeline in a progress of your bust, waist, and hips are measurements
  • Water consumption tracking
  • Reminders of daily intakes and water consumptions
  • Writing notes, setting moods, and photo capabilities
  • Taking a pictures of your food so you will bee record it later
  • Customized baseline for food and training
  • Scheduling of your future meals and exercises
  • Predefined weight loss plans
  • Along with all of those tips, tricks, and constant are guidance for a healthier in a weight loss, you further more may get a bonuses (pearls) for a frequent use of our calorie  in the counter!
These pearls will bee a  offer you a reduction for a purchasing the ad-free version of the app! Also, if you are get a enough pearls, you will even remove the ad banners for a free!


Dr. Sanjay Patolia, Bariatric & GI Surgeon

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